
Prices Announcement for Domestic Sales in the Fourth Quarter of 2020


On August 21st, 2020, China Steel Corporation (CSC) held a price meeting for domestic sales in the fourth quarter (October) of 2020 and announced the following statement:
Supported by accommodative monetary environment and economic stimulus policies introduced by major economies worldwide, economy of manufacturing industry have revived in US, Europe and East Asia since July. End-user market is recovering as the epidemic of COVID-19 get gradually controlled and vaccine development is expected to be accelerated. Also, Taiwanese economy has improved and gained momentum from private consumption and government spending. The DGBAS (Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics) forecasts Taiwan’s GDP growth to 1.56% in 2020, with the quarterly GDP growth to 2.56% in the fourth quarter and expected the economy would recover in the second half of 2020.
Benefiting from strong steel demand in China and reduced supply of iron ore from Brazil, iron ore prices has made a 6-year new high to US$ 127/MT. Meanwhile, mills still suffer losses and have no choice but to restrain production to support steel prices. Activities in Asia pick up, while FHS announces domestic price hike by US$ 45/MT for October shipment and J-mills also raise export offers by US$ 50/MT. In addition, Baowu has issued at least US$ 30~40/MT price hike for September shipment due to strong demand from infrastructure projects and expected reconstruction works after floods, which also push up Asia steel prices.
As global steel prices keep rising and iron ore price reaches to new high, CSC decides to lift the listed prices for the fourth quarter/October shipment by NTD 500~1,000, or 3.36% in average.
Provided prices adjustment shown as below table. On top of that, to accord with the demands of domestic market, starting from next monthly price announcement (released in October), CSC would optimize the offer scheme by shortening the lead time from N+2 monthly basis to N+1 monthly basis to improve performance.



Prices Adjustment of Domestic Sales for the shipment of Fourth Quarter/October 2020

Offer Basis


Average Adjusted Amounts (NTD/MT)




Bar and wire rod










Automotive usage











Information Origin :   
